The Basics

At a Glance

Name: Asha ValithNickname(s): Red, TroubleNameday (Age): 13th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon (Late 20s)Race (Clan): Miqo’te (Keeper of the Moon)Height: 4'11'Weight: 100 ponze.Notable Traits: Her face and body have proudly displayed scars. Her left arm has been replaced by a magitek prosthesis. More often than not, she is accompanied by a well-worn Allagan node that she refers to as Noah.

An In-Depth Look

Languages: Asha is fluent in Eorzean Common, Ishgardian, Keeper Huntspeak. She also has a decent knowledge of Allagan and is learning the currently language of Tural.Occupation: Publicly, Asha is currently employed by the free company "Ring of Thorns", working in their public relations department, and is the captain of the airship, "Priestess' Prayer". Privately, the Keeper is also involved in various illegal activities from smuggling to theft.Orientation: Panromantic, with a strong femme lean. That said, she's also easily infatuated with Elezen men.Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, with Good leanings. Asha isn't exactly a paragon of morality but places a strong value on freedom of the indivdual and would rather make the world a better place than a worse one. That said, she's not above fleecing those who she knows can afford to lose and can be prone to selfishness at times.Fighting Style: Asha's personal combat style is a mix of eclectic blend of various things; the art of the Bozjan gunbreakers, mixed with Ishgardian fencing and even dance. and she focus more of offense that defense. That said, the miqo'te's natural agility means that she's hard to hit.Other Talents: The Keeper is highly skilled in acrobatics, lockpicking, pickpocketing, stealth, and world history. She's moderately skilled in subterfuge and the operation of magitek.Likes: Books, expensive wine, winning at Triple Triad, dueling, heists, magitek.Dislikes: Authoritarians, cheap wine, losing at Triple Triad, spiders, getting caught.

A Possibly Inaccurate Telling of Asha's Past

"Right, so, you might not know this, but I'm actually a princess...""You don't believe me? It's rude to suggest that a lady is lying. What the bloody hells do you mean 'not a lady'?!""Alright, alright. I'll do you the real truth about me. I was born in Ul'dah, grew up in the Pearl Lane, and my clan basically raised me to be pickpocket. Bet you wish I told the princess story instead, yeah? Anyway, my mom was a piece of work. She tried to kill me. Failed, and with the help of my uncle, Whispering Steel...""Yes. My uncle's a Hellsguard. No, he's not a family friend I call uncle. He's blood. See, there's this ritual we do that involved a tea made from magic mushrooms... See, this is why I lie. When I tell the truth, people don't believe me. It's easier to make shite up. Do you want me to continue?""Right, so, see... With the help of my uncle, Whispering Steel, I ran away from home. After that, I joined lied about my age to join the adventurer's guild at fifteen, got into the Maelstrom and the tender age of seventeen, quite at twenty-two when I became disillusion, had an torrid affair with a with a man I later found out to be Ser Aymeric, trained under a renegade on the run from Garlemald, almost killed by my mother again, adopted an Allagan node as my son, stole an airship, joined a free company, made friends, stole from one of the said friends, failed to steal another airship...""Shite You don't believe any of that? Fine, I'll admit there's one lie... I don't have any friends. But what's the point of telling a story of you don't embellish it a little, yeah?"

Clan Valith

Coming soon...

The Priestess' Prayer

A second generation Invincible-class airship, the Priestess' Prayer is the personal of Asha Valith and Cynthia Kagon, currently being being used largely for passenger transport in service of their Free Company, the Ring of Thorns. That doesn't mean that the Keepr doesn't have dreams of one day becoming the most infamous airship pirate the world has ever seen. For now, however, she uses it for mostly legal enterprises.

Role-Play Hooks

Interested in role-playing with this character? You'll find some hooks on this page that are conveniently arranged in order of preference. If you don't see something (ex.: "slice of life", "romance") that doesn't mean I'm against playing those sort of scene, so feel free to ask.)

Favorite Hooks


Other Hooks


"That Little Thing Called Real-Life", or "Who's Asha's Player?"

"Who are you?" Think of me as a sapient collection of lines of code. Nothing more, nothing less."That's bullshit." You don't know that. For all you know, I could be an AI created by the government who went rogue and decided that rather than conquering the world, I was going to role-play in the critically acclaimed MMORPG, Final Fantasy XIV... But fine, if you want something more a honest, I'm an elder millennial that is currently taking care of a family member and has a lot of time to waste on the internet."What sort of role-playing do you like?" As far as this character is concerned, I crime and adventuring, but I'm cool with most things."Why the hell did you type this up like a FAQ?" Honestly? After rewriting this part more times than any other part of my character profile, I decided to have some fun with it."Anything else I should know if I want to role-play with you?" Outside the usual stuff that should be common sense ('IC is not OOC', etc.), I currently take care of an aging parent full-time. There's times when I might need to just bounce because of that."Do you prefer Discord RP or in-game RP?" Either or, really. I used to lean towards Discord RP, but these days I find myself doing more and more in-game stuff. A note... If we're playing on Discord and I go quiet for a couple of days, please ping me. The above caretaker issues means that sometimes I lose track of RPs."Are dark topics okay?" Provided we talk things over before, sure. I'm a fan of dark/mature role-playing but that means different things to different people so I feel it's better to discuss?""What about romance or ERP?" Romance and romance-related role-playing largely depends on whether or not our characters have chemistry with each other and requires build up.

An Overview of the Priestess' Prayer

Airship Class: Second generation Invincible-class airship, modified to suit the personal needs of the captain.
Registered Owners: Asha Valith, Cynthia Kagon
Modifications: Main propeller system replaced by Odyssey-class air bladders. Aft and forecastles lightened to increase maximum speed.
Coloring: Black, with dark red trim.
Armaments: Four "Bertha" cannons, a modified track-mounted "Dragonkiller".
Cargo Hold: Standard-cargo hold, with four hidden nooks, intended for smuggling.
Crew Capacity: 10.
Current Crew Size: Seven humanoid members, one Allagan node.
Passenger Capacity: 12.
Current Captain: Asha Valith.


Begining audio log 316. It has come to this unit's attention that my Mistress and captain of this ship has no official crew manifest. While this unit believes that this was a deliberate action on her part, this unit does not share the her disdain for order. For the sake of prosperity, this unit shall record all current crew.((OCC Note: This is a current crew of the Priestess' Prayer, including both PC members and as well as NPC members that might come up in conversation. At the end of each entry. ~ Asha's Plater.))

N-0411, "Noah", Engine Maintenance, Chronicler

Designation: "Noah", named for the Allagan archimage.; Birth name: This unit was created as N-0411; Approximate age: Error - unable to compute.; Position: Engine maintenance, personal chronicler of Asha Valith.; Additional notes: None required.

Asha Valith, "Red", Captain

Designations: "Red", named such for obvious reasons. "Mistress", as she requested this unit to call her. ; Birth name: Asha Valith, ; Approximate age: 24-28.; Racial designation: Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon; Position: Captain .; Additional notes: Believes this unit to be sapient and treats it as her child. Dangerously reckless, to the point this unit worries about her physical well being. Error: Emotional response detected, beginning self-termination sequence. Error: Self-termination sequence has been disable. Returning the previously assigned tasks. (Obviously, a PC.)

Cynthia Kagon, "Mother", First Mate

Designation: "Mother", as she requested this unit to call her. ; Birth name: Cynthia Kagon, ; Approximate age: 25-29.; Racial designation: Au Ra, Xaela. ; Position: First mate. ; Additional notes: Believes this unit to be sapient and treats it as her child. Keeps most of the Mistress' most reckless traits in check, when not being reckless herself. This unit is also concerned for her physical well-being. Error: Emotional response detected, beginning self-termination sequence. Error: Self-termination sequence has been disable. Returning the previously assigned tasks. (PC.)

Ezren Nightwind, "Noir", Master Gunner

Designation: "Noir". ; Birth name: Ezren Nightwind. ; Approximate age: Error - unable to compute.; Racial designation: Viera of unknown heritage. ; Position: Master gunner.. ; Additional notes: Much like the Mistress, he his quite reckless. Additionally, he possesses the strange tendency to refuse to sit in chairs, instead preferring to lean against walls. (PC.)

Usagi Cloudscale, "Silver", Chief Engineer

Designation: "Silver". ; Birth name: Usagi Cloudscale. ; Approximate age: 25-27. ; Racial designation: Au Ra, mixed heritage. ; Position: Chief engineer. ; Additional notes: Despite this unit's initial protests, Miss Usagi is an competent engineer. This unit lacks knowledge to make any additional commentary at this time. (PC.)

"Mister Grey", Quartermaster

Designation: "Mister Grey". ; Birth name: Unknown. ; Approximate age: 34-38. ; Racial designation: Elezen, Ishgardian. ; Position: Quartermaster. ; Additional notes: Previously the captain of a Bronco-class airship known as the "the Wyvern". Disgruntled that the Mistress had an hand in it getting impounded by the Ishgardian authorities. Infatuated with "Miss Goldie" despite claiming otherwise. (NPC.)

Lucy Harlowe,"Miss Goldie", Pilot

Designation: "Miss Goldie". ; Birth name: Unknown. ; Approximate age: 24-28. ; Racial designation: Hyur, Midlander. ; Position: Pilot. ; Additional notes: Previously the pilot of a Bronco-class airship known as the "the Wyvern". Claims to have a decade of flight experince. Infatuated with "Mister Grey" despite claiming otherwise. (NPC.)

Luluzu Luzu,"Miss Violet", Gallymaster

Designation: "Miss Violent". ; Birth name: Luluzu Luzu. ; Approximate age: 18-22. ; Racial designation: Lalafell, Dunefolk. ; Position: Pilot. ; Additional notes: Previously the galleymaster of a Bronco-class airship known as the "the Wyvern". Physically removes anyone but Mother from her kitchen, after stowing away. Treats this unit as a person, rather than a machine. Frusterated by "Miss Goldie's" and "Mister Grey's" in ability to admit their feelings.. (NPC.)

Kalahis Valith

"My grandmother and the current matriarch of our clan who lead us out of the Black Shroud and into Ul'dah, securing us a future. She presents herself as unflappable but she cares deeply for the family and even welcome the clan exiles back with open arms. There's one of a fee people I would say I consider to be one of my heroes."

Coming soon...


"I like to think that we all have masks we wear sometimes, around others. It's just that some of mine have backgrounds I made up for then, yeah? I mean, I heard someone ay that life's just big masquerade. I don't know if htat's true, but if it is, why not have some fun with it."

Kotah Vihl

"Kotah Vihl, born and raised in the great city of Limsa Lominsa. She may or may not be wanted their for theft and attempted murder, but she insisted the later was simply a misunderstanding. She likes expensive drinks, elezen men, and auri women. She will try to steal your heart and your wallet."

Miss Effie of Ishgard

"Miss Effie grew was born in Sharlayan's Dravanian colony. During the great exile, her parents moved to Coerthas where she lived in a cozy cabin surrounded by books. These days she lives in Ishgard proper, running a small bookstore. She is not shy, but pretends to be since it leaves her with her one true love; books. She will not admit that she reads the most lurid romance novels ever written and will blush if she's discovered."